Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Just a little e-mail sent around today from Liquid logic, interesting?

We are constantly looking at ways to make our kayaks better and safer. We were the first to install metal grab bars on the decks of our kayaks (now an industry standard) that make attaching a carabineer quick and easy. We use the largest molded inserts in the industry (this is what grab handles are bolted to) to increase the pull strength during a rescue situation. Now, we are the first kayak manufacture to introduce “Rotanium XL” (that is what we are calling it in-house and for a really great reason – it hasn’t broken yet!) the best and toughest plastic money can buy. Rotanium XL is high density polyethylene on steroids. We tested “Rotanium XL” for 6 months, using a hand picked group of creekers known for their abusive paddling, before introducing it this past January. Yes you read that correctly, “Rotanium XL” was introduced in January 2009 in all Liquidlogic kayaks so it is in what you currently have in stock. We have been keeping stats on “Rotanium XL” for the last 16 months, starting with our R&D test group, and have had only had three warranty claims with this resin. One was a Jefe Grande that ran Green River’s infamous Gorilla unmanned, backwards, upside down and full of water - it only bent, no breaks. The other two were Biscuits that had bent slightly from doing loops in a shallow hole, which did not truly constitute a warranty but we wanted to check them out. We thought it best to do a soft introduction with you, our dealers, to keep from dating any existing boats that you may have had in stock and to further evaluate Rotanium XL before spewing it to the market.


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